DBL Limited Liability Company
South Carolina Limited Liability Company
Mailing Address:
10 Reeves Court,
Spartanburg, SC 29301
Project Team: (864)278-0484
Eric Whiteside, Van E. Staggs,
Charlie B. Williams III, Robert Pressley,
& John Lewis
DBL LLC is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one. Throughout DBL's evolution as a privately held gaming community and non-profit technology society, we have established DBL LLC differently. We have also emphasized an atmosphere of creativity and charity, which has helped us provide unbiased, accurate and assessment of innovation for video game and technology users around the world.
Now the time has come for the company to request funding for our prototype project. This change will bring innovative and cost effective digital solutions, for our present and future stakeholders, for our advertisers, members, and most of all for website users. But the standard start-up funding may jeopardize the independence and focused objectivity that is most important in DBL's innovation and creativity that we consider most fundamental for success of our business model. Therefore, we have implemented a company structure that is designed to protect DBL's ability to innovate and retain its most distinctive characteristics. We are confident that, in the long run, this will benefit DBL LLC and its members, old and new. We want to clearly explain our plans and the reasoning and values behind them. We are delighted you are considering an investment in DBL LLC and or its individual projects after reviewing this website.
We have developed several prototype digital content and social network websites because we believed we could provide an innovative user content engagement strategy to the Digital Marketplace-instantly delivering products, promotional incentives and digital content. Serving and engaging our end users is at the heart of what we do and remains our number one priority.
Our goal is to develop instant digital content delivery in concert with dynamic social network tools that significantly improve the end-users interaction with the internet. In pursuing this goal, we may do things that we believe have a positive impact on the marketplace, even if the near term financial returns are not obvious. For example, we will make our business model as widely available to potential advertisers in order to promote more cost effective digital marketplace advertising enabling a global reach of their product or service. Subscription is our principal source of revenue, and the subscriber will be provided relevant and useful tools rather than intrusive and annoying. We strive to provide users with an excellent opportunity to communicate effectively with advertisers and participate in the process of developing success products and services.
We are proud of the products we designing, and we hope that those we create in the future will have an even greater positive impact on the Global Digital Marketplace.
There are currently opportunities that has and will arise that might cause us to sacrifice short term results but are in the best long term interest of our initial stakeholders, we will take those opportunities. We will have the fortitude to do this. We would request that our stakeholders take the long term view.
You might ask how long long term is. Usually we expect projects to have some realized benefit or progress within a year or two. But, we are trying to look forward as far as we can. Despite the quickly changing business and technology landscape, we are trying to look at three to five year scenarios in order to decide what to do now. We are trying to optimize total benefit over these multi-year scenarios. While we are strong advocates of this strategy, it is difficult to make good multi-year predictions in technology.
Many companies are under pressure from initial investors to keep their earnings in line with analysts' forecasts. Therefore, they often accept smaller, predictable earnings rather than larger and less predictable returns. We feel this is harmful, and we intend to steer in the opposite direction.
Our business environment changes rapidly and needs long term investment. We will not hesitate to place major bets on promising new opportunities.
We are presenting high-risk, high-reward projects because of short term earnings pressure. Similar Subscription model for example Blizzard Entertainments “World of Warcraft” has gone extraordinarily well grossing over 200 million last year, and others have not. Because we recognize the pursuit of such projects as the key to our long term success, we will continue to seek them out. Our project with all its innovation and strategy only has a 10% chance of success without key stakeholders participating in our project model. Do not be surprised if the Video Game Industry seems very speculative or even strange when compared to current businesses you are familiar with. Although we cannot quantify the specific level of risk you will undertake, as the ratio of reward to risk increases, you must accept projects further outside your current businesses, especially when the initial investment is small relative to the level of investment in your current businesses.
We encourage our sister organization Delta Beta Lambda Fraternity members, in addition to their regular projects, to spend 20% of their time working on what they think will most benefit DBL LLC. This empowers them to be more creative, innovative and establishes future employment opportunities. Many of our significant advances in the current project have happened in this manner. For example, Virtual Athletic Network and 360 iMeet were both developed with the assistance of those members in "20% time." Most risky projects fizzle, often teaching the market something. Others succeed and become attractive businesses.
As we seek to maximize value in the long term, we may have quarter-to-quarter volatility initial as we attracted important strategic partners. We would love to better quantify our level of risk and reward for you going forward, but that is very difficult. Even though we are excited about risky projects, we expect to devote the vast majority of our resources to increasing subscription and advertising revenue which will be our business core. All of our organizations and strategic partners naturally gravitate toward incremental improvements the core areas and will happen naturally.
DBL LLC is not a conventional company. We intend to operate DBL LLC differently, applying the core mission values it has developed in concert with its sister organizations. Our mission and business description are available in the rest of this prospectus; we encourage you to carefully read this information. We will optimize for the long term rather than trying to produce smooth earnings for each quarter. We will support selected high-risk, high-reward projects and manage our portfolio of projects. We will run the company collaboratively with discussion and input from our strategic partners, our Project Manager, and fours specific project team members. We are conscious of our duty as fiduciaries for our stakeholders, and we will fulfill those responsibilities. We will continue to strive to attract creative, committed new users, members, and we will welcome support from new stakeholders. We will live up to our "User First" principle by keeping user trust and not accepting payment to compromise that trust. We have a project by project investment structure that is biased toward stability and independence and that requires investors to bet on the specific project.
We have tried hard to anticipate your questions. We look forward to a long and hopefully prosperous relationship with you, our new stakeholders. We wrote this letter to help you understand our company.
We have a strong commitment to our users worldwide, their communities, our web sites, advertisers, stakeholders, and of course our users.
If you accept our invitation to talk, we would like to express that this offering is time sensitive and has a dateline of January 31, 2009
If you would like to follow our company and information feel free to subscribe to our company blog www.dblpro.info
Sincerely yours,
Eric Whiteside
Senior Project Manager
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